No. But I'm a consultant, not a Bank! Depending on the length of the commission we might agree interim payments. It'll be detailed in the contract
As a freelancer I need to be free to work when and where I choose. I'd reflect additional commissions in my tender
We'll make sure we both agree all the deliverables, and how that will be measured.
Again, the contract will detail all that's included. Personally I'm quite fond of a chat...
Standards are set usually by the relevant regulators. I have an SVQ in Advice and Guidance and a PDA in Community Engagement, but my core standard is helping you get the best outcomes
Refunds??? I'll bill you per contract and you'll pay me if I have demonstrated I've delivered what was asked for.
The Third or Community, Voluntary and social enterprise Sector is in my DNA. My fees reflect the resources they have available - not many!