David is preparing to launch the template of the Governance planning template designed to use in funding applications, recruitment and compliant with the Scottish Governance Code for the Third sector
For more details check out this page NEW planning template
When working with Community, Voluntary and Social Enterprises this is David's mantra
He says "too long have we (in the Third Sector or ESSENTIAL Sector) tried to emulate the Private sector in language and business planning. We need to change focus. We deliver change."
Check out more on the facebook page
GO!Here's what we do. Check out our services page for fuller details
David says "Making decisions - hopefully good ones!"
From Induction to confirmation of understanding
The foundation for sustainable organisations
Helping you put together a realistic case
Let's talk about your deliverables!
Outcomes, impact, outcomes! Or as David says "lasting change"
Meaningful conversations with your community, beneficiaries, clients and customers
Yes, in the Third Sector as well. It's all about sustainability and achieving the best outcomes
"..we delight on stories about positive change"
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